고객의 Custom UI와 Language, Kinematics, Motions, Algorithms을 적용할 수 있는 로봇모션 제어기
coreDev provides User Interface/Robot Language/Motion/Control Algorithms in plug-in form to the motion controller(i.e. coreCon) and provides S/W and development environment for easy development.
It provides a user S/W development environment for the development of Kinematics and Motions, Control Algorithms and Custom UI of the user robot along with coreCon-supported Teaching, Job Programming Language, Motion Control, Monitoring, and Setting Functions.
coreDev is designed as a plug-in Real-Time task operation structure and works with coreCon’s builtin function to enable the user’s professional application development.
In addition, information provided by the coreCon API(e.g. joint position/velocity/acceleration, End-Effector’s position/Orientation, torque feedback from motors, control parameters, etc.) can be used to effectively apply and develop the robot of the user algorithm.
Technical info

i.MX6Q:Quad 1.0GHz
Cortex-A9 Core (11500 DMIPS)

Embedded Linux 4.1.15
Real-time Linux (Xenomai) 2.6.5
Qt 4.8.7

DDR3 800MHz 1GB

EtherCAT, Ethernet,

eMMC 8GB (MLC type)

Power Input
DC 24V
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